  • chairman
  • Grievance handling officer
  • Bharat Kumar Chimariya
  • Grievance Handling Officer
  • Email:
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  • Phone No: 01-5180182
  • Compliance Officer
  • Pramod Kumar Ghimire
  • Compliance Officer
  • Email:
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  • Phone No: 01-5180182


1. Working Capital Loan

It includes short period result oriented cooperative business. This type of loan can be disbursed for a maximum of one year. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. The principal should be paid in a single amount.

2. Short-Term Business Loan

This type of loan will be provided for the operation of short-term business transactions of cooperative union/institutions specifically targeting the short-term business area of the members associated with the union/organization. The loan will be disbursed for a period of one year. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. The principle should be paid in a single amount.

3. Installment/Term Loan

This type of loan will be provided to the members for the purpose of mid-term related enterprises, business, trade, services etc. Loans disbursed to pay monthly or quarterly installments are covered under this head. This type of loan is given for a period of 3 months to 10 years. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

4. Business Installment Loan

This type of loan will be provided for possible/suitable projects such as small and medium enterprises, business, services, trade, etc. to develop professionalism and entrepreneurship among the members of cooperative associations/institutions. This type of loan can be disbursed from 3 months to 5 years or for the period specified by the Board of Directors of the bank from time to time. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

5. Project Financing Loan

Such loans are invested in long-term projects and construction of physical infrastructure in large industries, markets, services, and productive sectors for the overall development of the cooperative sector of the nation. Such loans will be provided in agriculture, domestic, industry, small hydropower-service-oriented long-term businesses, projects, market infrastructure, production, storage, processing centers, refinement center, wholesale market and projects etc. This type of loan is disbursed to long-term projects for a period of 3 months to 15 years or for a period as specified by the Board of Directors from time to time. Payment of loan installments (principal and interest) will have to be paid monthly or quarterly.

6. Tourism Promotion Loan

Due to Nepal's geographical diversity, natural beauty, cultural traditions, monasteries, temples based on religious beliefs, different lifestyles, costumes, and customs of the people living in different lands, different areas of Nepal's mountains, hills and terai are the choice of internal and external tourism. Since there is a lot of potential for small to big tourism businesses here, the purpose of this type of loan is to provide access to the cooperative sector in this sector, to prevent shortage of capital, to promote and develop tourism, as well as to provide self-employment opportunities to the people of that area through tourism business and to improve their living standards and make them self-reliant. This type of loan will be provided targeted at the tourism business of the members associated with the cooperatives. This type of loan can be disbursed for a period of 3 months to 10 years. Payment of loan installments (principal and interest) will have to be paid monthly or quarterly.

7. Production/Processing /Storage/Marketization Loan

This loan is provided to cooperatives that invest in tea, coffee, dairy, animal husbandry, fisheries, sugarcane farming, beekeeping and other production, processing, storage, and marketing. Depending on the nature of the project, the loan tenure will be 1 to 5 years.  Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

8. Co-operative Standardization Loan

This type of loan will be given to the cooperatives that have excelled in the rating made by cooperative banks or recognized national and international associations/organizations and have also received the certificate. Loans will be given for 3 months to 5 years or for a period as specified by the Board of Directors from time to time. The loan will have to be paid on a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest) basis.

9. Small and Medium Member Loan

This type of loan will be applicable only to the small and medium-sized cooperative societies operating in rural/remote areas. Loans will be disbursed for a period of up to 5 years. The loan will have to be paid on a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest) basis.

10. Home/Land purchase and Building Construction Loan

This loan is targeted for the cooperatives and members of the cooperatives that demand a lump sum for the purchase of a home and land. The cooperatives or their members need to invest a minimum of 35% towards the total amount and our bank shall invest no more than 65% of the total amount. Loan is provided for a period of 5 to 10 years or for a period as specified by the Board of Directors from time to time. The loan will have to be paid on a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest) basis.

11. Hire Purchase Loan

This type of loan will be provided to the members of the co-operatives or cooperatives for the purchase of vehicles. This loan is given for a period of 1 year to 5 years. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

12. Seasonal Loan

There are different types of weather conditions from the point of view of Nepal's geography, climate, and accordingly different seasonal farming and business possibilities in different areas. Farmers need capital to produce seasonal crops and businessmen need capital to run seasonal businesses. According to the weather and geographical location, some crops are produced in a short period of time, while some crops take a long time to be produced, so this type of loan will be provided till the time the crop is brought and sold, the business will be given according to the weather and seasonal businesses. This type of loan can be disbursed for a period of 3 months to 1 year. Payment of the loan installments (principal and interest) will have to be paid monthly or quarterly.

13. Microfinance Loan

NCBL provides wholesale loans to community-based cooperatives operating in rural areas to utilize as micro credit lending to low income and deprived people. This wholesale loan is available for micro enterprises, business, and income generating or self-employment activities. The loan size, terms and conditions will depend on the business and institutional capacity of Cooperatives. The purpose of the loan is to finance a broad range of income-generating activities of the ultimate members who mainly comprise the poor who need relatively less amount of loans for initiating income generating activities. The term of such a loan can range from 3 years to 5 years. The installment can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.

14. Poverty Alleviation Loan

Members of poor, low-income families associated with co-operatives, socially backward women, tribals, Dalits, poor, small farmers, artisans, laborers, landless families, those with no access to finance, those who do not have access to the capital and mortgage, those who do not believe in other banks and financial institutions, those who do not have access to the financial market, those who are not able to see the state and society, low-capitalized, low income groups, To eradicate poverty through economic and social development for workers, unemployed, This bank will provide such loans through member cooperative institutions by mobilizing capital to make them self-reliant and self-employed. This type of loan can be disbursed for a period of 3 years to 5 years or for a period as specified by the Board of Directors from time to time. The loan will have to be paid on a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest) basis.

15. Co-operative Management Loan

This provision will be applicable only to the cooperatives that lack capital immediately, the capital fund is negative, the risk-weighted assets are not effective due to the difficulty in operating the day-to-day operations and the difficult situation has been created to meet the minimum basic requirements of the organization's operation. This type of loan will be disbursed for a period of one year. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. The principle should be paid in a single amount.

16. Liquidity Management Loan

This type of loan is provided for the purpose of short-term liquidity management of the Cooperatives. This type of loan can be disbursed for a maximum of one year. Installments can be paid on a monthly or quarterly basis. The principle should be paid in a single amount.

17. Sustainable Co-operative Loan

Such loans can be provided through cooperatives to improve the income level of the poor from the economic point of view, to create self-employment and to run enterprises and businesses. The loan will be made available only for productive, labor-oriented, and income-oriented activities. The loan term is for 3 years and 5 years. The loan will have to be paid in a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest).

18. Strong Co-operative Loan

This type of loan will be provided to the members of this bank to improve the income level of the poor from the economic point of view associated with the cooperative, to create self-employment, to make them self-reliant and to run enterprises and businesses. This type of loan will be disbursed only for productive, labor-oriented, self-employment-oriented and income-oriented activities. This type of loan can be disbursed for a period of 3 years to 5 years or for a period as specified by the Board of Directors from time to time. The loan will have to be paid on a monthly or quarterly installments (principal and interest) basis.

19.  Fixed/Deposit Loan

Member cooperatives can avail themselves of this loan by getting the amount in their Fixed/Deposit account hold. They can use up to 90% of such an amount in the case of our bank and up to 80% in the case of other financial institutions.

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