  • chairman
  • Grievance handling officer
  • Bharat Kumar Chimariya
  • Grievance Handling Officer
  • Email:
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  • Phone No: 01-5180182
  • Compliance Officer
  • Pramod Kumar Ghimire
  • Compliance Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182

Search Results for Staff TOR 1713855124 lzjywe.

This type of loan can be disbursed from 3 months to 5 years or for the period specified by the Board of Directors of the bank from time to time
Chairman's Message
The National Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL), since its establishment in 2003, has been committed to helping the cooperative sector next its economic aspirations
NCBLNational Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL) was established in 2003, as the only bank in the cooperative movement of Nepal at national level, in exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section 4 of section 26 under the then prevailing Cooperative Act, 1992 (first amendment, 2000) and from the recommendation of Nepal Rastra bank (Central bank of Nepal) as an umbrella institution to provide banking and financial services to all its member cooperatives following the long and continuous demand and efforts of cooperators
Savings and loans are only traded in the financial sector by the union/institution which has to make the index of the financial sector a high priority
Education & Training
AdvancedManagerial Qualification Course (MCC)Director Qualification Course (DCC)Loan Officer Qualification Course (LCC)Institutional Development Training (ID)Business/strategic planning trainingFinancial Consulting Training Moderate Pearls Monitoring System TrainingLoan Management Training Policy making trainingAnnual planning and budgeting training Basic (including details)Cooperative ManagementCredit Management Marketing ManagementMicro Finance LoansOrganization Management (Behavioral Science)Risk management PEARLS RatingBranch Management Training Accounting trainingMonitoring Module for Audit Committee 1
Trainings From NCBL
s Competency Course (MCC)Director&rsquo
To continuously advocate for the development of professionalism of cooperative sector in coordination with the concerned stakeholders