  • chairman
  • Grievance handling officer
  • Bharat Kumar Chimariya
  • Grievance Handling Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182
  • Compliance Officer
  • Pramod Kumar Ghimire
  • Compliance Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182

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According to the weather and geographical location, some crops are produced in a short period of time, while some crops take a long time to be produced, so this type of loan will be provided till the time the crop is brought and sold, the business will be given according to the weather and seasonal businesses
Remittance is being very essential product for the bank and in the context of Nepal, it is playing vital role to sustain the economy
Chairman's Message
Therefore, I express my sincere gratitude on behalf of NCBL, the members of board and on my own behalf towards shareholders and all the concerned agencies for their significant contributions
Chief Executive Officer's Message
Accept my endless gratitude