  • chairman
  • Grievance handling officer
  • Bharat Kumar Chimariya
  • Grievance Handling Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182
  • Compliance Officer
  • Pramod Kumar Ghimire
  • Compliance Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182

Search Results for deprived sector loan documents.

Microfinance Loan NCBL provides wholesale loans to community-based cooperatives operating in rural areas to utilize as micro credit lending to low income and deprived people
Chairman's Message
The National Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL), since its establishment in 2003, has been committed to helping the cooperative sector next its economic aspirations
Chief Executive Officer's Message
It offers great products like different kinds of savings, microfinance, deprived sector loan, technical assistance, training, Bank Guarantee, Remittance and Utility payments
Increase employment by mobilizing capital in production sector through cooperatives
Savings and loans are only traded in the financial sector by the union/institution which has to make the index of the financial sector a high priority
Who is responsible for the documents uploaded online
Time Deposit
The loan offered in this account is up to 90% of the related account &
Compulsory Deposit
The loan interest rate will be 1 percent more than the interest rate on the related savings
Education & Training
AdvancedManagerial Qualification Course (MCC)Director Qualification Course (DCC)Loan Officer Qualification Course (LCC)Institutional Development Training (ID)Business/strategic planning trainingFinancial Consulting Training Moderate Pearls Monitoring System TrainingLoan Management Training Policy making trainingAnnual planning and budgeting training Basic (including details)Cooperative ManagementCredit Management Marketing ManagementMicro Finance LoansOrganization Management (Behavioral Science)Risk management PEARLS RatingBranch Management Training Accounting trainingMonitoring Module for Audit Committee 1
Recurring Deposit
This account allows you to take a loan of up to 90% against the deposited amount
Fixed Deposit
You can also take a loan of up to 90% against the deposited amount
Trainings From NCBL
s Competency Course ( DCC)Loan Officer&rsquo
QR Service
For more information, please refer to the documents uploaded here