As, the cooperative sector has been playing distinct and significant role in the process of socio-economic development of the country, NCBL is committed to maintain the highest standards of excellence in financial services based on sustainable growth and development providing timely, quick and best banking services to its members from all segments with the help of modern technology and dedicated human resource
Looking at the growth for more than 19 years since our inception, NCBL believes in being responsible Cooperative Bank to promote cooperative principle &
The establishment of NCBL, therefore, has a special implication for the development of cooperative movement of Nepal since the promotion and strengthening the cooperatives address the country major socio-economic deprivations, poverty, unemployment and inequality etc
After filling the complete form of the bank, the co-operative union/society is contacted by the
union / society and the union/ institution has been called to the branch office, at that time the
association/ institution should be present with the entire document