The purpose of the loan is to finance a broad range of income-generating activities of the ultimate members who mainly comprise the poor who need relatively less amount of loans for initiating income generating activities
Our partners for the services are:
NCBL Remittance (Domestic, only from our branches)
Western Union Money Transfer
Himal Remit
Prabhu Money Transfer
Best Remit
As, the cooperative sector has been playing distinct and significant role in the process of socio-economic development of the country, NCBL is committed to maintain the highest standards of excellence in financial services based on sustainable growth and development providing timely, quick and best banking services to its members from all segments with the help of modern technology and dedicated human resource
After filling the complete form of the bank, the co-operative union/society is contacted by the
union / society and the union/ institution has been called to the branch office, at that time the
association/ institution should be present with the entire document
Members can in turn enjoy 24x7 ATM cash withdrawal and easy payments to POS and e-Commerce merchants through their account maintained at their cooperative
The member cooperative registered with internet banking service and subscribed to the Cheque Transfer Service through application form can browse the portal for transferring the amount from their saving account maintained at NCBL to any other BFI'