  • chairman
  • Grievance handling officer
  • Bharat Kumar Chimariya
  • Grievance Handling Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182
  • Compliance Officer
  • Pramod Kumar Ghimire
  • Compliance Officer
  • Email:
    Click to reveal 👁
  • Phone No: 01-5180182

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Working Capital Loan It includes short period result oriented cooperative business
Remittance is being very essential product for the bank and in the context of Nepal, it is playing vital role to sustain the economy
Chairman's Message
Therefore, I express my sincere gratitude on behalf of NCBL, the members of board and on my own behalf towards shareholders and all the concerned agencies for their significant contributions
Chief Executive Officer's Message
Badri Kumar Guragain Chief Executive Officer National Co-operative Bank Ltd
Our Affiliation International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperative for Asia and the Pacific (NEDAC) Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) Center for International Cooperation and Training in Agricultural Banking (CICTAB) Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA) International Cooperative Banking Association (ICBA) International Raiffeisen Union (IRU)
NCBLNational Cooperative Bank Limited (NCBL) was established in 2003, as the only bank in the cooperative movement of Nepal at national level, in exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section 4 of section 26 under the then prevailing Cooperative Act, 1992 (first amendment, 2000) and from the recommendation of Nepal Rastra bank (Central bank of Nepal) as an umbrella institution to provide banking and financial services to all its member cooperatives following the long and continuous demand and efforts of cooperators
Utility Payment
Recharge Service NCBL provides Top-up &
As a result, there has been a qualitative improvement in the co-operative sector, including the image of co-societies and syngo co-operative campaign
Digital Banking
NCBL E-Product for member services
After filling the online form, do you have to appear in the office of the co-operative union / institution bank